Trump ahead of Clinton in latest poll

Businessman overtakes Democratic rival after trailing in 22 consecutive polls

Representing a sudden upswing for presumptive US Republican presidential nominee, Donald Trump, a latest poll shows he has pulled ahead of Hillary Clinton, his possible Democratic rival, in the race for the White House. 

The Rasmussen survey, released Thursday, shows Trump enjoyed a 4-point lead over the former secretary of state, scoring 43 percent support against Clinton’s 39 percent.

He has been raking up sentiments against immigration and exploiting anti-establishment mood among angry voters.

It is the first time since mid-May that Trump falls back in lead. Back then, he was ahead of the Democratic candidate by a 2-point margin.

In a wake-up call for Democrats, the findings also put an end to the streak of 22 consecutive polls in which Clinton beat Trump.

Clinton’s fading lead over Trump was also signified in another major poll on Wednesday, when a Quinnipiac University survey put her ahead of the New York businessman by only two percentage points, 42-40 percent.

Trump’s return to the top is attributed to his recent attempts to rebuilt a floundering campaign, which has seen the real estate mogul’s national support take a nosedive ever since he clinched the GOP nomination in early May.

Most notably, he abruptly fired his top aide Corey Lewandowski earlier this month, a move seen as an attempt to calm allies and donors as well as the Republican Party officials who have long been panicked by the candidate’s missteps.

The businessman has also retracted two of the many outrageous remarks he made during the primary campaign.

Only last week, he took back his suggested ban on all Muslims entering the US, saying he only meant the ban for a group of suspected terrorists.

The billionaire businessman also said that if elected president, he was not going to deport all illegal immigrants from the country. This is while over the past months deporting millions of migrants and creating a wall on the border with Mexico to prevent them from coming back had shaped most of his immigration policies.

Trump’s growing missteps also dealt a blow to his already low favorability rates among American voters.

According to a CNN/ORC poll released on June 21, nearly 56 percent of Americans were afraid and would feel embarrassed about a Trump presidency, while 46 percent felt the same about Clinton.

2016 ElectionOpinionPoliticsStorylineU.S.

Iftikhar Ali is a veteran Pakistani journalist, former president of UN Correspondents Association, and a recipient of the Pride of Performance civil award
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