Trump regrets his abrasive style – Will there be a course correction?

The GOP candidate's comments follow campaign changes and sagging poll numbers

Signaling a late realization of his abrasive campaign style, Republican candidate Donald Trump has regretted things that may have caused personal pain.

The admission coincides with a shake-up in his campaign management aimed at revitalizing his presidential bid, which seems to have lost steam in the face of backlash that has hit his controversial pronouncements, particularly since the Republican Convention.

His statement of regret comes amidst faltering poll numbers, while his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton has made huge gains in terms of favorable views among American voters.

Trump has not commented specifically on what statements he referred to but since launching his campaign last year, the billionaire businessman has targeted almost everyone and anyone who opposes or criticizes his ideas including GOP politicians, Mexican immigrants, women and minorities including Muslims.

However, he did address African Americans in a speech on Thursday, holding out a pledge to improve their economic fortunes, if he is voted to the White House on November 8 election.

Trump’s poll standings saw a sudden slump when he mocked Gold Star parents of a Pakistani American hero – who laid down his life during Iraq war in 2004. His earlier proposed response to the challenge of militancy in the form of a total ban on Muslims entering to the United States also led to protests from American political, progressive and interfaith circles and immigrant communities.

“As you know, I am not a politician. I have worked in business, creating jobs and rebuilding neighborhoods my entire adult life. I’ve never wanted to learn the language of the insiders, and I’ve never been politically correct – it takes far too much time, and can often make it more difficult to achieve total victory,” Trump said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“Sometimes, in the heat of the debate and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and I regret it, particularly where it may have caused personal pain. Too much is at stake for us to be consumed with these issues.”

Yet, analysts contend that proof of the pudding lies in the eating, and it remains to be seen if Trump implements what he says and if would be able to effect a real, albeit late, course correction.

2016 ElectionAmerican MuslimsImmigrationPakistani AmericanPoliticsU.S.

Ali Imran is a writer, poet, and former Managing Editor Views and News magazine
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