Make every step count

A track race runner pens a poem on overcoming odds

This is the moment
like every other significant moment.
One that takes everything out of you,
but can give everything right back to you.
A moment that you put every fiber of energy into,
A moment where there’s no going back,
And that the only way out is forward.
Seconds before:
The stress is gone,
The anticipation is here,

Set it aside and focus,

Side by side,
20 men ready to race,
On Your Marks,
Wait, breathe, relax
Know that whatever happens,
Be proud,
It’s Silent, at least in your mind, you relax. It feels perfect, your body is ready, your muscles are strong and ready to fire. But your mind is…
empty, clear and waiting for the cue.
The Gun Goes Off,
Legs are kicking,
Every step feels like landing on a cloud that propels you far forward,
35 seconds… on Pace,
200 meters,
Breathing starts creeping in,
Lungs start moving,
Arms and legs are controlled,
Moving as one unit to simply run faster,
400 meters,
The weak is separated from the strong,
The strong depart from the pack,
I follow,
Arms and legs feel no tension yet,
Thoughts are controlled,
Focused on every stride, every breath, every second
600 meters,
Focused, so focused
Feel arms of others and slight pushes from running so close to the edge,
Muscles are tensing slowly,
But the Goal is Clear,
800 meters – Halfway
4 laps to go,
The race is aggressive now,
The men are hanging on to a rope that is slowly tearing,
The clock ticks,
And the powerful feet pound the track,
They race through pain that is just beginning to grow,
1000 meters
3 laps to go,
Sweat dripping from the face,
Shoulders feeling tired,
Legs feeling heavy,
But the mind,
Focused and trained… like always,
Coming to the first curve, there’s trouble
Can barely see but people fall,
1, 2, 3,
The mind loses focus,
nearly falls but steps over and returns,
1200 meters,
2 laps to go,
The body is in pain,
But still moving forward in one unit,
The mind is clear,
Heavy breaths,
But the mind has gained a peak level of focus.
Nothing can go wrong
1300 meters,
Immediate Pressure, Pain as if something beat your bone until swollen,
Hand instantly reaches for the left hip out of reflex,
Doubts drown the so called impenetrable mind,
The plan is ruined
1400 meters,
Last lap,
Remember what you said,
No matter the outcome,
Be proud,
Finish the race,
Fight through the pain,
1500 meters,
Pain radiates through the body,
New goals have been created,
Get to my brothers arms,
Get to the finish line,
And finish what you started,
Push through the pain,
Make every step count,
This is what you live for,
1600 meters,
Cant walk,
Fall to my brother,
He carries me,
And together we are strong again,
Never let one thing determine the fate of all others.
Trust the process and fight through the challenges


Saad Khan is a 16-year-old student, who despite an injury completed a state level track race, and later penned down how he continued the competition, drawing on his determination and courage
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