POEM: “To my mother”

When I walk at night alone...Read More

When I walk at night alone

in the deep wadis of her sobs

or when I know that each time I drive fast

or laze the reply to her letters;

when I know that at midnight

she sits up praying to her God

to keep me warm and whole,

when I know that she will still bless me

though I give her eyes cause to tears,

when I know that all my warts and ways

will turn to gold at her simple touch,

then I see through her the God she sits rotating her

beads to and then I know that her God

will always be there for me to reach out and touch.

Arts & LiteratureArts and LifeOpinionPoemPoetry

Dr. Akbar Ahmed is a known authority on contemporary Islamic cultures and history, He is currently Distinguished Professor and Ibn Khaldun Chair of Islamic Studies at the School of International Service, American University. Dr. Ahmed has authored several books including Journey into America and Journey into Europe. Dr. Ahmed is also a Wilson Center Global Fellow.
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