Clinton reaches a milestone; first woman to be presidential nominee

Says her victory caps an amazing journey

Hillary Clinton became the first ever woman presumptive Democratic nominee Tuesday evening. She has broken a high ceiling, and taken an important step in her quest for White House. Her rise to the top political level is a massive moment for women in the United States, and all over the world.

“Thanks to you, we’ve reached a milestone, the first time in our nation’s history that a woman will be a major party’s nominee,” Clinton said, as she came out winner in a long grueling fight against Party challenger Bernie Sanders.

She was addressing her supporters in Brooklyn New York, as the New Jersey primary gave her a resounding victory and enough delegates to cross the 2323 threshold with the help of 571 superdelegates backing her.

The former first lady and secretary of state had a profound feeling of the moment that a woman has clinched nomination of the Democratic Party.

“Tonight’s victory is not about one person — it belongs to generations of women and men who struggled and sacrificed and made this moment possible.”

“Tonight caps an amazing journey — a long, long journey,”  she noted.

“We all owe so much to those who came before, and tonight belongs to all of you.”

At the same time, Clinton, who is likely to face Republican Donald Trump – an unusual self-styled billionaire businessman in the November 8 election, said she is aware of the challenges lying ahead.

“Yes, there are still ceilings to break—for women and men, for all Americans. But don’t let anyone tell you that great things can’t happen in America. Barriers can come down. Justice and equality can win. Our history has moved in that direction—slowly at times, but unmistakably—thanks to generations of Americans who refused to give up or back down.”

But Clinton will also be up against historical voting trends that generally have favored men more than women like While male voters who tend not to vote for women.

Mark Twain, the quintessential figure of American literature once said:  “No civilization can be perfect until exact equality between man and woman is included.”

When will such a society with equality and economic freedoms for all be achieved, is an open question.

Because at the momentt that kind of  perfect society  is to be found nowhere -from Asia to Europe and from Latin America to North America.

Against this background the rise of Hillary Clinton to the highest power of authority in the world’s preeminent country would mean a lot for women’s empowerment.

The 2016 election season has also seen a lot of gender talk.

Donald Trump’s remarks against a FOX TV anchor infuriated both progressive and conservative citizens. He has also stepped up attacks against Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and accused her of playing women’s card. Although Trump claims to respect women, his outbursts look increasingly misogynistic.

While election politics opens the possibility of all kinds of attacks against candidates, America has never seen the kind of rhetoric that some of the candidates have exhibited in 2016.

Trump and his GOP rival Ted Cruz even dragged their wives into scandalous exchanges.

On the Democratic side, Bernie Sanders has been civil while competing vigorously against former secretary of state Hillary Clinton.

Bu there is a worrying trend that shows that despite unparalleled freedoms women enjoy in the United States, Clinton has not been able to secure support of the majority of white men.

In the meanwhile, Clinton must prepare for a fight against Trump, who has been securing a large number of votes among frustrated White voters. In the upcoming weeks, she must devise a campaign to turn things around in her favor.

2016 ElectionPoliticsU.S.

Nuzaira Azam is a Virginia-based journalist, who contributes writings to various publications
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  • Muzaffar Ahmed
    10 June 2016 at 3:03 am - Reply

    Well done Nuzaira..!!
    Good analysis…!!!!


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