Will our next generation have the joy of having coral reefs in our oceans?

Coral reefs represent much more than just among pulls of romanticized undersea travels or colorful biodiversity. They are the very source of life for ocean creatures, and a means...

Coral reefs represent much more than just among pulls of romanticized undersea travels or colorful biodiversity. They are the very source of life for ocean creatures, and a means to livelihood for hundreds of millions of human beings.

Both human beings and sea organisms cannot think of losing gifts of Nature, which also protect communities against natural disasters.

But new scientific findings is warning that the unthinkable might soon become a harsh reality and real loss for the planet.

“It’s clear to anyone who puts their head below the waves that the fate of the world’s coral reefs is hanging in the balance,” said UNEP chief Erik Solheim at the launch of a coalition of organizations in Egypt this month.

 “At the moment these undersea explosions of color and life face an extremely bleak future.”

Photo: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration via Wikimedia

Photo: U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration via Wikimedia

Coral reefs face extinction within decades if urgent actions are not taken, scientists warn.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is among the organizations that  during the UN Biodiversity Conference.

The expectations for this coalition could not be higher. Coral reef protection must become a global priority. Coral reefs need a better deal,” said Mr. Solheim, who unveiled the new partnership in the Egyptian coastal resort of Sharm El Sheikh.

The warnings about dangers to coral reefs gained a fresh spotlight in the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

Released in October 2018 the report warns that, even if the world collectively manages to stabilize global surface temperatures to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, 70 to 90 per cent of coral reefs will be lost by the middle of this century.

Continued failure to take action on climate change will result in even greater losses, the report warns.

Yet, climate change is not the only major threat that reefs face.

Cinzia Osele Bismarck / Coral Reef Image Bank A lionfish on a reef in the Red Sea.

Cinzia Osele Bismarck / Coral Reef Image Bank A lionfish on a reef in the Red Sea.

There is a combination of factors including over-fishing, pollution and coastal development that have all upset the Nature’s coral reef treasure, causing a loss over the last 30 years.

The UN says reducing those threats can help recover the most resilient reefs after impacts – such as bleaching events, caused by above-average sea water temperatures due to global warming.

“I am delighted to see that the issue of coral reefs is receiving the attention it deserves. We are now approaching the 2020 horizon and need to sharpen the focus on strategies for effective coral reef conservation and to support people who depend on them,” said Prince Albert II of Monaco.

“The International Coral Reef Initiative General Meeting, which I will be hosting in Monaco this December, will be an important step and my wish is that it will lead to the adoption of a practical, effective, ambitious and realistic program of action,” he added.

But the very thought that we will lose half of the coral reef is frightening. Imagine life without colors, food and a source of livelihood in and near oceans. Hard to imagine. But it must not be hard for us to act.

Climate ChangeNatureNature and Arts

Huma Nisar is Associate Editor at Views and News
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